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British Resident
Gen. William Cullen
Cullen’s monument
in English
Church, Alleppy
English Church,
View inside English Church, Alleppy
Cullen’s monument
in English Church, Alleppy
Krishna Rao (Dewan)
Venkata Rao (Dewan)
British Resident Col.
John Monroe
Irayimman Thampi
Irayimman Thampi
Irayimman Thampi (back drop: a 1850s calander)
Irayimman Thampi
Kutti Kunju Thankachi-
Thampi’s daughter
Vaal Kannadi-gifted to Thankachi by Swathi
Thankachi’s note book with Swathi & Thampi’s songs
Front page of Thankachi’s note book
Ganapathy idol worshipped by Thankachi
Kizhakke Madam Govindan Nair, descendent of Thampi
A building in Kizhakke madam
Thampi’s maternal family house
Lalitha Bai-descendant of Irayimman Thampi
Chuttumala Temple : family temple of Thampi
Chuttumala Temple
Thampi’s Moument in Puthumana house